100 Inspirational Business Quotes that Motivate you

Business Quotes To Inspire
Business Quotes To Inspire

Business is trade relating to the production, purchasing, and selling of goods or services. Business is the coordinated effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the products and services that satisfy society’s needs. Companies can be privately owned, not-for-profit or state-owned. Here are the collection of 100 Inspirational Business Quotes that Motivate you.

Business Quotes

Below I have shared different world-famous entrepreneur business quotes that inspire and motivate to start your own business or helps in the success. Read more Sucess Quotes

Business Quotes To Inspire

Business Quotes To Inspire
Business Quotes To Inspire

“Every time we launch a feature, people yell at us.” Angelo Sotira

“Always deliver more than expected.” Larry Page

“What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone, know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed.” Dave Thomas

“If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” Zig Ziglar

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.” Socrates

“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” Reid Hoffman

“Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that.” Anthony Volodkin

“If you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large.” Jeff Bezos

“Don’t take too much advice. Most people who have a lot of advice to give — with a few exceptions.” generalize whatever they did. Don’t over-analyze everything. I myself have been guilty of over-thinking problems. Just build things and find out if they work.” Ben Silbermann

Business Quotes Motivational

Business Quotes Motivational
Business Quotes Motivational

“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” Jack Dorsey

“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” Thomas Edison

“When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.” Josh James

“If you define yourself by how you differ from the competition, you’re probably in trouble.” Omar Hamoui

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Bill Gates

“Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don’t find one, it’s you.” Mark Cuban

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” Scott Belsky

“If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.” Mark Zuckerberg

“Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.” Lisa Stone

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs

Read more Steve Jobs Quotes

Business Quotes About Success

Business Quotes About Success
Business Quotes About Success

“There’s nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team.” Jason Fried

“Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” Tony Hsieh

“Get five or six of your smartest friends in a room and ask them to rate your idea.” Mark Pincus

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs

“Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” Golda Meir

“Nothing works better than just improving your product.” Joel Spolsky

“Get big quietly, so you don’t tip off potential competitors.” Chris Dixon

“The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow.” Ingvar Kamprad

“Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.” Tim O’Reilly

“The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.” Reid Hoffman

Business Quotes Of The Day

Business Quotes Of The Day
Business Quotes Of The Day

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller

“Best startups generally come from somebody needing to scratch an itch.” Michael Arrington

“The last 10% it takes to launch something takes as much energy as the first 90%.” Rob Kalin

“An entrepreneur is someone who has a vision for something and a want to create.” David Karp

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” Wayne Huizenga

“Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.” Jeffrey Zeldman

“Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.” Paul Rand

“If you’re interested in the living heart of what you do, focus on building things rather than talking about them.” Ryan Freitas

“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” Guy Kawasaki

“Always think outside the box and embrace opportunities that appear, wherever they might be.” Lakshmi Mittal

Business Quotes On Change

Business Quotes On Change
Business Quotes On Change

“Every day that we spent not improving our products was a wasted day.” Joel Spolsky

“Stay self-funded as long as possible.” Garrett Camp

“Fortunes are built during the down market and collected in the upmarket.” Jason Calacanis

“Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined and connected to one another. And, when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives.” Daniel Pink

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” Biz Stone

“Get a mentor in the applicable field if you’re at all unsure of what you’re looking for.” Kyle Bragger

“No more romanticizing about how cool it is to be an entrepreneur. It’s a struggle to save your company’s life – and your own skin – every day of the week.” Spencer Fry

“It’s more effective to do something valuable than to hope a logo or name will say it for you.” Jason Cohen

“Anything that is measured and watched, improves.” Bob Parsons

“Don’t play games that you don’t understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them.” Tony Hsieh

Business Quotes On Growth

Business Quotes On Growth
Business Quotes On Growth

“Don’t worry about funding if you don’t need it. Today it’s cheaper to start a business than ever.” Noah Everett

“I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.” Estee Lauder

“You don’t need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea.” Larry Page

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.” Henry Ford

“You can’t make anything viral, but you can make something good.” Peter Shankman

“All humans are entrepreneurs not because they should start companies but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA.” Reid Hoffman

“Data beats emotions.” Sean Rad

“In the end, a vision without the ability to execute it is probably a hallucination.” Steve Case

“Ideas are commodity. Execution of them is not.”Michael Dell

“See things in the present, even if they are in the future.” Larry Ellison

Business Quotes On Leadership

Business Quotes On Leadership
Business Quotes On Leadership

“Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Benjamin Franklin

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney

Read more Walt Disney Quotes

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.” Reid Hoffman

“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” Oprah Winfrey

“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” Charles R. Swindoll

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking

“A person who is quietly confident makes the best leader.” Fred Wilson

“When I’m old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say ‘wow, that was an adventure,’ not ‘wow, I sure felt safe.’” Tom Preston-Werner

“Don’t be cocky. Don’t be flashy. There’s always someone better than you.” Tony Hsieh

“Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.” Howard Schultz

Business Quotes On Teamwork

Business Quotes On Teamwork
Business Quotes On Teamwork

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah Winfrey

“Lean forward into your life. Begin each day as if it were on purpose.” Mary Anne Radmacher

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw

“Education costs money. But then so does ignorance.” Sir Claus Moser

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” Les Brown

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” Oprah Winfrey

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” Charles Darwin

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou

Read more Maya Angelou Quotes

“You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream.” C.S. Lewis

Business Quotes On Communication

Business Quotes On Communication
Business Quotes On Communication

“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” Colin R. Davis

“Today’s Accomplishments Were Yesterday’s Impossibilities.” Robert H. Schuller

“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” William Feather

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Henry David Thoreau

“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” David Brinkley

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” Albert Einstein

Read more Albert Einstein Quotes

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” Jim Rohn

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Michael Jordan

Business Quotes About Trust

Business Quotes About Trust
Business Quotes About Trust

“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” Steve Jobs

“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there.” Venus Williams

“I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one.” Bill Gates

“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.” Harry Golden

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Paulo Coelho

“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” Maya Angelou

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Japanese Proverb

“There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success.” Heather Bresch

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” Thomas Jefferson

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” Bill Gates